When you decide to start saving water, you do your part for the environment and also save money. Go green and make your water consumption efficient with these easy tips of water-saving!
Water-saving washing strategies
- Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth, lathering your hands with soap or scrubbing dishes before rinsing.
- Start using your dishwasher more. When you wash your dishes by hand, you consume on average 27 gallons of water. A dishwasher, with an Energy Star label, will use only 5 gallons of water.
- Reduce your shower time. Choose showers over baths, take shorter showers and try using a low-flood showerhead.
- Recycle water when possible. For instance, when you boil pasta, keep that water to cool down and then water plants.
Water-saving toilet tips
- Check the toilet for leaks and fix them immediately. Leaks can waste many gallons of water every day.
- Upgrade to a low-flow toilet. Yes, they perform as well as other toilets, but with fewer gallons of water.
- Or use a water-saving flush valve on your old toilet. Call a plumber to help you to install properly the valve!
Essential plumbing advice for water-saving
- Inspect for active or past leaks. Check for running faucets, cracked pipes, water spots on floors, corrosion around fixtures, etc.
- You could also record the reading on your water meter at night, then compare it to the morning’s reading. If you observe unexplained water loss, this could be the result of a leak. Contact a professional plumber to help you with fixing the leaks.
- Check the water heater for damage or leaks, and schedule a water heater inspection or repair.
- When possible, switch to appliances that are Energy Star labeled. Energy-efficient dishwashers, washing machines or other similar appliances use much less water than the traditional ones.
For assistance with your plumbing needs, contact 1st Response Plumber!